What We Do
ReTree Schenectady is looking for volunteers who share our love for trees and want to grow Schenectady’s tree canopy. We’ve planted over 3,000 trees in Schenectady since 1990 and we want to plant 3,000 more!
We’re focused on planting trees in neighborhoods and parks, spreading the word about the importance of trees, and working with the City of Schenectady to implement the 2022 Community Forest Management Plan.
We support the Schenectady Summer Tree Planting Collaborative along with Community Fathers, Inc., the City of Schenectady, and the Schenectady Job Training Agency. Since 2021, Schenectady youth have planted over 350 trees in neighborhoods most in need of trees.
Email retreeschenectady@gmail.com if you’re interested in helping out or curious to learn more.